Saturday, October 17, 2009

Headlines From This Week's Episode of The Serg Show

Here are two videos courtesy of CNN News and that were covered on The Serg Saturday Morning Show today. For more headlines and entertianing talk, and ZM's Movie Review listen to the archived episode to hear what you missed. I want to thank all of my listeners and co-hosts of the show as it continues to get better and grow. Stay tuned to The Serg Show for Pop culture news, world news, comedy, and the best indie international music on the net!

FaceBook Reunion

Baby Hit By Train and Survives

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Soccer Mom Fought for Gun Rights and was Murdered By Husband

So, I spoke about this on my show this morning and I don't understand why people bring this karma into their lives. This woman Meleanie Hain, 31 from Lebanon, PA and mother of three has become a national symbol of gun rights because she had to openly carry a loaded glock handgun at all times! Her husband Scott Hain, 33 caught her when she wasn't armed and had her guard down at home in her kitchen web chatting with a family friend.

It's a sad ironic twist on her outlook on life and I feel that having these types weapons available in your home opens the door to this type of violence and it also isn't the best idea to carry out in the open. This isn't the wild wild west! It is now 2009, granted their is an obscene amount of gun violence happening on the urban streets of America. We should try our best to keep ourselves out of harms way not to invite it in. Now these three children are parent-less. For more on this story listen to the mp3 of The Serg Show or watch the video courtesy of

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Jenny Slate drops F-bomb on SNL

Poor girl first night on the show live as a new cast member and she says the F-word. I was watching this live and I knew I heard it but dismissed it as freaking instead of f***ing. From the very beginning of this sketch she was fighting the urge to say it.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

T-Pain Shows Ellen How To Auto-Tune

I love Ellen! She's so funny! This video is great! I haven't blogged in a while but I haven't seen anything worth blogging but this was great. The Serg show is getting better and better every week and I'm working on so many projects and life happens. Keep checking here and listening to the Serg show!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

HAHAHA! Kid from Kid and Play Selling Suits!

Kid from Kid and Play whose real name is Christopher Reid is now a stand up comedian and is doing cheap ass cable commercials selling suits. Well can't front on 'em, I would do it. Hell I did a local CBS Watcher news commercial before when money was tight then again the money may not be tight for him. This could have just been a favor for a friend. Whatever the reason is it's hilarious to me and I'm going to share it with my friends and fans of the Serg Show. Check it out!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bill O'Reilly Dissing Jay-Z

Ahhhh....the ongoing beef between Bill O'Reilly and Jay-Z. Too grown men who represent to radically different groups of people. This isn't about color this is about social status, and this isn't about money this is about power. Who controls the media, is it Fox News or Hip Hop on the streets? Who makes news and why? See there's so many things that could be news but this is news because of obvious reason for people like Bill O'Reilly, and well Jay-Z can say what he says cause he has lived life in a different perspective then Bill O'Reilly can see. Please leave hip hop alone you don't get it! You just compared Jay-Z to Ottis Reading! Come on! Were going on 2010 people!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

ToshaMakia is a America's Next Top Jock Finalist!!! Vote!

So I had to blog about this cause I really respect and care about this charismatic woman's career! Besides the fact she is one of the reasons people know who my brother is Yung ZM by letting him shine on her night show on 100.3 The Beat Philadelphia, and besides the fact I run with Devon Starshooterz. She really deserves it. I love her where she belongs, and that's on the radio! I love radio and their are only a handful of on air personalities that help me love it and if I had to make a short list should would be in the top 3.

Well she is in the top 5 of this contest and it's no surprise even Donnie Simpson wants her to win! Below in quotations is an excerpt from the article they have on her on the offical website. It gives a little background on her, for those of you who don't know Tosha yet you will. Whether you know her or not she is a friend of the Serg Show and I am asking you all to vote for her and to listen online to her on air tomorrow morning! Don't forget to vote! Details are on the website just follow the link!

"ToshaMakia has been branded as "The Sexiest Puerto Rican Mami on Hip-Hop radio! From there Toshamakia joined forces with Icon Rap Star Monie Love on air on Sirus39 XM 65 radio for The Ladies First show."

Read this entire article and vote for Toshamakia at this link:

Saturday, August 22, 2009

International Hip Hop

So I decided to start playing some more music on my blogtalkradio show and I am going international! I have become bored with the current state of music and hip hop in general even with some independent artists so I'm busting out with hip hop in different languages. There is a draw back to this, I myself don't know what they are saying, I know it sounds good and the flow is on point and the beats are hot. Hell I don't even speak Spanish that well and I am going to play rap in different languages? Yea, and maybe I'll learn more then English. Broaden my horizons and others as well. I want to have fun with hip hop again and miss being submersed in the culture.

I use to rap when I was younger and as I got older I left it alone.

My little brother kept rapping and is now battling on Grind Time and making a name for himself (Yung ZM). I don't know if I will ever return to it as an artist, I have to love it again I guess. This will be part of the journey. You know I love stand up comedy, and that is my first love so it is going to be interesting to see my progression now that I am getting back into radio so heavy and on this crusade to find good music all over the world, hip hop in different languages. Listen to my show to hear hip hop culture around the world, send me your tracks, laugh at topical humor, and participate in the movement.

Below are two artists I found that intrigue me. One is Diam's a french hip hop artist that I think is amazing!!! She kinda got me started in wanting to hear more. The other is a Chinese artist by the name of Young Kin. He was spitting! Again I have no Idea what they are saying but it's hot and I wanted to share it with those who only know Jay-Z, Kayne,50, Em and the many corny artists that are now on, and will remain nameless. I only name the ones that are relevant.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Controversy:Philadelphia Eagles Sign Michael Vick

So Mike Vick is going to play for the Eagles. Listen, I'm sure the animal activists can't and won't get over this. Between Facebook and twitter I saw so many voice their views and opinions about this and for the Birds to get this nationwide attention is excellent good or bad. How do I feel about it? Well I am a huge Eagles fan and the organization makes some wild decisions and this one is just as wild and controversial as the last but it may very well make us winners this season. I don't agree with the dog fighting and I wouldn't do it but we need to forgive and forget. He did his time and I'm sure he learned his lesson and if he didn't we all will soon find out.

Philadelphia Eagles Swoop Up Michael Vick

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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Paula Abdul Tweets Bye-Bye to Idol

So Paula Abdul isn't coming back to Idol...well can't say I'm upset about it. I loved her on it and showing my age I loved her music videos back in da day but she has lost it and always seemed highed up on Idol and that can't be good for live Television. All I know is it must be nice to have money and good healthcare cause she must be getting some strong medication. Paula be happy after what ever it is you are doing you are still here and alive cause these celebrites are dropping like flies this summer.

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Guess who just blinked in American Idol's high stakes game of chicken -- Paula Abdul says she's leaving the show.She just tweeted this:"With sadness in my heart, I've decided not to return to Idol. I'll miss nurturing all the new talent, but most of ...


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John Hughes Dies

John Hughes was such an important part of Pop Culture and of anyone from my generation growing up in the 80's. His films were and still are time capsules of teenage angst that remain classic. I never get tired of seeing them and loved all of them. I've been saying this over and over again on my radio show, I'd hate to be a celebrity this summer cause they are dropping like flies...well I am going to rephrase it and say I'd hate to be a legend this summer because all of the celebs that have left so far have left behind a legacy that is timely and classic. R.I.P. John Hughes.

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John Hughes has died of a heart attack.Hughes suffered the heart attack while taking a morning walk during a trip to NYC to visit family.He directed such '80s hit films as "The Breakfast Club," Weird Science," "Sixteen Candles" and "Ferris Bueller's ...


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Autopsy: Cocaine a Factor in Billy Mays' Death

Talked about this a little on my radio show this morning. I wanted to blog about it when I first heard about it, I had a long busy week and I'm just now after the show putting it up. All I have to say is I'm not surprised. He was one of the most exciting salesman I've ever seen and he was always amped up about the product. This may be the reason why. R.I.P Billy Mays eveybody has their addictions, I'm not pointing the finger at you.

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A mighty shocking autopsy report concludes cocaine contributed to the sudden death of pitchman Billy Mays back in June.The report, which was released today, lists "cocaine use" as a contributing cause of death -- along with hypertensive and ...


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Sunday, August 2, 2009

My U Stream Reality Show

I see a lot of people using ustream now and even my cousin asked me why I didn't have a show on here so to go with my multiple shows I will begin broadcasting on ustream tonight at 10:30p if anyone cares I have nothing...

Friday, July 31, 2009

Eminem Disses Mariah Carey Again and "Grind Time Rapper" LockSmith Disses Kayne West

Here we Go! Hip Hop Rap disses in Full Effect! Em is battling Mariah Carey?! Don't know how and why Mariah got herself into this but she needs to quit while she is ahead cause Em was just trashing her on this track, and Grind Time Battle Rapper Locksmith is trying to get more shine and make his name heavy by dissing Hip Hop Superstar Kayne West. Calling him out of the closet claiming that his Gay! Bold move Locksmith! I have to admit the track is hot and Kayne ain't going to like this...Let's see if he responds. Check them out below and enjoy!

Glenn Beck Calling President Obama a RACIST!

Below is a clip of Glenn Beck on FOX News making crazy ass accusations that our President is a racist because of the comments he made about the Professor Gates arrest. Two things Glenn, first off President Obama is half white, and two you have no idea what it's like to be a black man or any minority for that matter in America. He has had experiences in his life that allows him to speak with authority and honestly. You are being biased because you don't understand that and most likely never will because of your privileged whiteness. I'm not racist nor do I have some problems with any particular race. I just call like I see it and you Mr. Beck are way off in making the statement you made about our first Black President. I try not to get to opinionated in my blogs but this just really pissed me off! Watch the clip below and leave a comment to express your feelings or views on this headline.

Stephen Marbury Does It Again, and the Parodies Start...

Stephen Marbury just keeps loosing his damn mind! In this latest video he has his shirt on (Thank God!) and he is vloging from the backseat of a car and is in an accident while he is doing this! He keeps filming after the car is hit too! Wow! That Vaseline must be good! Below you can also see a parody of one of his now infamous videos below, we all knew it was going to happen sooner or later. I'm sure this is the first of many. Enjoy!

Megan Fox Snubs Seth Rogen's Kiss

Superstars Seth Rogen (Funny People, Observe and Report, and Knocked Up) and Megan Fox (Transformers 1&2) had a run in on Jimmy Kimmel. Apparently hot young actress Megan rejected Comedy giant Seth's kiss. Be happy she did Seth! In her upcoming new movie called "Jennifer's Body" she plays an evil high school teenager who kills boys with her kisses! Well Seth, just cause she 's hot doesn't mean she's not evil. Check out Seth on Jimmy Kimmel talking about the incident and the trailer to Megan Fox's new movie.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

White House Happy Hour

So President Obama had a few beers with Professor Gates, and Sgt. Crowley of the Cambridge Police Department. I'll be honest with you I don't know how to feel about this and if it is improving race relations, or his approval ratings, or just plain back peddling on how the police acted stupidly. I've heard one Philadelphia morning show DJ even say it was "G" that the Leader of the Free World was sitting down to have a beer on the White House lawn with them. It's crazy, even the press went as so far to tell us what beers each of them liked and was drinking. Our soldiers are still dying, unemployment is through the roof, our economy is pretty much f***ed right now, and well this isn't going to end any racial profiling or racism. is an odd funny story and that's why it's on The Serg Show Blog! Let me know how you feel and leave a comment.

RANDY (Aziz Ansari) from Funny People Hilarious 3 Part Documentary

Aziz Ansari and Aubrey Plaza are in a really bad night club

Funny People, very funny short.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Mayor Bloomberg Offers One Way Ticket Out of NYC For The Homeless

Mayor Bloomberg is ruthless! He is offering to ship out homeless people off the wonderful Island of New York City to anywhere in the country just as long as they don't come back. He says it is costly to take care of the burden of the homeless and that offering this is cheaper and could help them get back on their feet in another state with a family member. Sounds good but is it really? Sounds like you want to clean up the streets at any cost and is offering this burden to other Mayors of cities across the country. What a thoughtful guy!

Our country is the best country in the world! Man, I am so proud to be an American, we have a solution for everything! This just might start a trend! Watch the video on this story.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Stephon Marbury Crying, eating Vasaline, and Going Crazy!

Wow! What the hell is going on with this world?! This proves that everyone shouldn't have a webcam. There are so many questions that are unanswered from these videos and why it was posted on Youtube and why?'s funny cause it's random.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Cambridge Police Officer Responds to President Obama's Criticism

President Obama speaks about the arrest of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., race relations regarding blacks and Hispanics, and how the Cambridge Police department acted stupidly in arresting Professor Gates. Below you can see President Obama's remarks and then see Cambridge Police Officer Sgt. James Crowley's response to the incident.

All I can say is, if it were a white man I don't believe he would have even been questioned and if he was to be questioned and if he was in any way showing anger towards the officer he would have never been arrested.

We are making progress in this country aren't we? I mean we do have an African-American President right?....
I guess some habits just die hard.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Beastie Boy "MCA" Adam Yauch Has Cancer

Founding member of the Beastie Boys, rap artist "MCA" has made an announcement that he has a treatable throat cancer and will be having surgery to have the cancerous tumor removed. The Beastie Boys had to cancel some upcoming live shows, and post pone their upcoming new album following this shocking announcement. Let's hope MCA gets better real soon! The Beastie Boys are hip hop, and are classic! Man!, I'd hate to be a celeb this summer! Each week we continue to hear more and more upsetting news, either death or some serious health issues like this. Pray Mr. Yauch makes a quick and healthy recovery! Hip Hop needs him and The Beastie Boys.

Chris Brown's Apology to Rihanna

So....finally Chris Brown is apologizing for the beating up his then girlfriend Rihanna. It's kinda late now isn't it? Well better late then never, funny he waits till now seeing he has a new album coming out. Time to repair his career. Don't know if I buy it, don't really feel that he's sincere. I'm sure he's sincere about making that money again!

Also check out the puppet show reenactment below as well, just to refresh your memories.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Aptera 2e

FINALLY! We get to drive like George Jetson with this slick 3 wheel car design by Aptera Motors. This is the car of my dreams! It's an electronic car plug it in overnight and your good to go in the morning, so you better have your cup of coffee ready because you won't have to gas up! The car can get a 100 miles per re-charge and it's ground breaking design helps it break through wind and keeps you moving like a regular old gas guzzler.

It's a two seater with superb climate control due to it's solar cell panels on the rooftop of the vehicle. Oh, and did I mention it's just awesome! It's not a hovercraft but it'll do until I can get one. This is the best thing I've seen since the moving sidewalk at Universal Studios! Can you tell I'm excited? Best part is this car will be affordable with a price tag averaging between 20-40 thousand dollars, not bad. Watch as Jay Leno gives it a test drive and talks with Paul Wilbur, the President and CEO of Aptera about this amazing vehicle of the future!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Michael Jackson's Unreleased Song

Found this track on the TMZ website, it's not the whole song just a snipet but sounds like Mike was going to be back! The song is called "A Place With No Name", it's unsure when it was recorded and for what project it was intended for, but I can't wait to hear more then this 24 seconds and all the other unreleased music he has enjoy the teaser!

Upcoming Comedy Movie Trailers

Well we are half way through the summer and the movies this summer have been pretty good. The best comedy this summer by far was The Hangover. I wanted to see some previews for some new movies coming up and found these cool trailers. Comedies are my favorite of course even though Norwegian horror film Dead Snow was awesome! I don't like scary movies but that movie was extremely entertaining and seeing there were subtitles just made it cooler to me. Summer Foreign Horror Films! You gotta love em!

Californians Say Marjuana Legalization will Solve 26 Billion Dollar Budget Crisis

According to this ABC News piece California may be the first state to take extreme measures to solve their budget woes with the legalization of marijuana. The state already allows the use of medical marijuana and the proposed tax would pay the salary of 20 thousands teachers a year! It would cut costs on arrests, and manpower. A Marijuana advocacy group called The Marijuana Policy Project Foundation is even running a Pubic Service Announcement on network and broadcast cable channels pushing for the legalization.

Leading the pack is San Francisco State Legislator Tom Ammiano he says that 1.5 Billion in sales tax could be generated a year from the state from the legalization and control of the substance. You can read more about this bill and the proposal at below is the news piece on this story.

Bottom line, we need to solve the budget crisis' all over the nation, individual states and nationally. This can be a great start no matter what your personal opinions are towards it.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Michael Jackson's 1984 Pepsi Video Shoot and Hair Fire

Pepsi has finally released this footage after 25 years and his death. According to TMZ Jackson became addicted to painkillers after his scalp was scorched by the fire. The video was obtained by US Magazine. It's amazing all the things that are now being said, shown, and released about his life as we discover more about this legend. Watch the video, leave a comment, and listen to The Serg Show. R.I.P. Mike!

Servant Robots and Albert Einstein

The Future is here and we are missing it. Japanese scientists are creating robots, androids and cyborgs as we lag behind in technology playing with our iphones ignorantly. Growing up I saw the year 2000 and beyond as the future. Hovercrafts, robots, and instant meals in pill form nuked in a second by one push of a button.

I'll be honest I'm scared what my children and grandchildren are going to have to deal with...robots, clones, and God knows what! Well at least I've lived to see video chat, cell phones, and flat screen tv's. Check out these videos on robots and let me know what moral and hypothetical issues could occur from uprising like Terminator or the Matrix one day maybe?.......

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Infomercials and Hip Hop?

I was on TMZ this morning and saw this and couldn't believe it! It's hilarious and definitely uncalled for! But...I kinda want to buy it now. Billy Mays would have never have done this. R.I.P man infomercials are headed in the wrong direction without you. Check it out here!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Michael Jackson Memories

This is the summer of Michael Jackson, he was the greatest entertainer that ever lived. I really miss the memories from when I was growing up and his music was the soundtrack of our lives. He was famous all over the world. I'm happy to have lived to see the greatness of someone like him. May he rest in peace. Below is Indian Thriller and the original which proves how much he inspired the world with his talent.

The Serg Show on Blogtv and Blogtalkradio

I have started my blogtalkradio Saturday Morning Show. Check me out every Saturday 6:30 to 7:30 and check my blogtv show on Monday nights at 10pm where I will try new comedy material and then follow me to stickam where I will do a show following up on how my open mic acts go. Thursdays at 10pm. Keep checking in here, I'm working on my internet channel bootlegtv and have many projecs and things to say. Keep up with me.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Work and Goals

So I haven't posted anything since April and I never really got the Serg show off the ground. I have been working hard and I am getting closer to getting some goals accomplished...Have now my internet tv station and I plan to start The Serg Saturday Morning Show on starting July 11th at 6:30am and I'm going to start doing a show on blogtv and stickam soon just to pitch some stand up material before I go to an open mic to try it out for my new comedy act. I haven't decided when I'm going to start that but I will keep everyone posted.

Working, trying, growing, and maturing. Seeing plans come to life and living the dream.


Saturday, April 18, 2009


So it is offical! BootlegTv is now on the air! I started my own internet tv station and it is only the beginning! My own radio show and tv shows will be next! Be on the lookout! Please watch my channel and tell your friends to watch, it's great! Nostalgic, random, funny, and entertaining! Come on....Do you really want to keep watching regular old tv when my channel is better? Check it out at or just watch here! Right Now! It's Awesome! Just push the turn on button!

IT's Coming!

So I know you haven't seen the Serg show or heard the Serg show. Maybe you were busy or maybe you just didn't care. Well, that's great cause I took my time to create a channel on Mogulus called Bootlegtv and I decided to take my blogtalkradio show and revamp it before someone actually starts listening and cares! Please check me out, my blog and my upcoming webshow and web contect on my channel bootlegtv. I'm starting a revoulution! I'm even getting new business cards this guy inspired me to better at everything I do check out this video, It's freaky hilarious! Also a big shout out to Justice and truthslap tv! You are making me step up my game! Your show is mad impressive, funny, fresh, innovative, and hip. I need make my shows all those things and more. Thanks for setting the bar asshole! LOL! Check his show out too!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Serg Show Premiere was Preempted to this week

So, The Serg Show was preempted last week I had alot of homework to do and I didn't prep at all for the show like I wanted too. Doesn't seem to matter that much because no one cares and I had no one ask or notice that it didn't air. Does that mean the show won't go on? No, I am still going to do a weekly show that will hopefully catch on and build a fanbase. Stay Tuned!

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Serg Show Premiere Episode This Week!!!

To everyone that cares and too most of you that don't, The Serg Show's first episode will be this Sunday night on and on at the same time. It should be fun to get started and to throw my hat into the arena of internet broadcasting and help build a fanbase for my stand-up comedy and upcoming webshow projects, and films. Thanks for the support and check me out and please respond to my blogs and listen and watch as my career grows and matures into more nothing. HA! HA! 

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Test Run

So I did a show two days ago around midnight for 15 minutes and it went well. No one was listening or watching but that is okay I'm sure in the long run someone will start reading these blogs and watching , and listening and telling there friends how awesome the show is. It worked though the only problem was that the archived episode on blogtalkradio didn't play when I pressed play but if I download it, it works and you can hear it on your itunes. I'm going to keep working out the kinks and remember The Serg Show starts Sunday March 8th 2009 at 11 o'clock instead of 10 o'clock and it will run about an hour to an hour in a half. Stay tuned!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Practice and Technical Bugs

So, I have been trying out blogtv and blogtalkradio out today trying to make it work, so I'm ready for my first real show on March 8th. The time will be between 10 or 11 it's not going to be the same time every week at first at least on blogtalkradio since I'm a new host I am unable to schedule my show reoccuring at the same time every week until I get my fanbase up. So please watch and listen people! BLOGTV is going to be ontime and when ever I feel like it for the most part. I am also working on a webshow for Bootlegtv on and a show for Something good will happen, I'm sure of it. I failed my math quiz today and I'm hungry right now so I have to go.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Test Runs and Valentine's

Hey Everybody!!!

I really appreciate all the feedback received from my friends and colleagues on Facebook about The Serg Show and I'm working hard to make it successful and as entertaining as possible! Please don't forget to check me out, visit my blog and tune in on Sunday nights at 10p-11p for The Serg Show starting March 8th, 2009.
The show is a mix of Daily show with sketch, talk, indie music, and billboard top 5, and guests. Remember it is going to be interactive so you can cal in, join a chat during the show, watch, listen, and blog throughout the week leading up to the show. So don't forget to tell your friends, to tell their friends, their friends, and family to tune in! Well, It's Valentine's Day and I have to get my haircut at 2p and the wife and I are going out to tonight for a romantic dinner, I hope you and yours have fun this evening and I will keep you posted on a possible preview of The Serg Show before March 8th as I am doing test runs to make sure everything works properly and all the sites look good and sound great! Thanks again, and stay connected!

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Serg Show is Coming to the Web Next Month!

So, I have been procrastinating to do this but I'm starting my internet radio show, webshow later on this month. My shows will co-inside with my blog. The show will be on once a week on Sunday nights, it will air on, and simultaneously from 10p to 11p. My blog will be current every day with things that's going on in my life and career, and topical news. I want it to be as interactive as possible so please post responses and listen and watch my show. I will talk about what you want to hear and try to make it funny! You can cal in or aim me during the show so we can all interact as the show goes on and have fun with our discussions. Well the show will start March 8th 2009 so I hope you all tune in to The Serg Show! Please feel free to posts reply responses to this Blog stating what you want my show to be like and be sure to check in everyday leading up to it's premeire and every day after if you become a fan.
