Friday, July 31, 2009

Glenn Beck Calling President Obama a RACIST!

Below is a clip of Glenn Beck on FOX News making crazy ass accusations that our President is a racist because of the comments he made about the Professor Gates arrest. Two things Glenn, first off President Obama is half white, and two you have no idea what it's like to be a black man or any minority for that matter in America. He has had experiences in his life that allows him to speak with authority and honestly. You are being biased because you don't understand that and most likely never will because of your privileged whiteness. I'm not racist nor do I have some problems with any particular race. I just call like I see it and you Mr. Beck are way off in making the statement you made about our first Black President. I try not to get to opinionated in my blogs but this just really pissed me off! Watch the clip below and leave a comment to express your feelings or views on this headline.

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