Saturday, April 18, 2009

IT's Coming!

So I know you haven't seen the Serg show or heard the Serg show. Maybe you were busy or maybe you just didn't care. Well, that's great cause I took my time to create a channel on Mogulus called Bootlegtv and I decided to take my blogtalkradio show and revamp it before someone actually starts listening and cares! Please check me out, my blog and my upcoming webshow and web contect on my channel bootlegtv. I'm starting a revoulution! I'm even getting new business cards this guy inspired me to better at everything I do check out this video, It's freaky hilarious! Also a big shout out to Justice and truthslap tv! You are making me step up my game! Your show is mad impressive, funny, fresh, innovative, and hip. I need make my shows all those things and more. Thanks for setting the bar asshole! LOL! Check his show out too!

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