Monday, February 21, 2011

Turning Point : Transition & Destiny

So here I am, 31 years old relatively healthy, slightly overweight. Financially unstable living paycheck to paycheck working as a courier with little to no savings. 31 years old. I hear Men make their marks in their thirties, not sure how true that is but I am ready.

I am finally graduating from college and I am so excited. I had to go online to get it done but I will have my Bachelors and hopefully soon a stable career. Whatever that is....I just want to be a stand up comic, don't need a degree for that. But I have a family and I need to support them and I can't do that traveling the country telling jokes can I?

Not sure what lies ahead but my dreams as clear and I trust and believe that God has my life and worries in his hands. I'm grateful for my family, wife and children. I just want my career and at 31 with the connections I've made over the years it's time, and if your reading this you know me or I'm well on my way.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Comic's Comic: Comedian Paul Mooney

Last night, I had the pleasure of seeing one of the most amazing stand up comedy performances I've ever seen. I've been going to comedy shows for almost 16 years now. I have been performing and writing off and on for 14 of them. But I have never seen a comic like Paul Mooney, at least not live or alive. Let's face it, comic's today don't want to rock the boat. They have their acts and tell their jokes and hack it up! Not, Mooney. He's the equivalent of seeing Richard Pryor live in 2010. He keeps it real, he tells the audience things they know or ignore, or really don't know or want to know but need too. He does all of this and in using the stage to use humor to shed light on extremely important issues and topics that most comedians would dare touch. Mooney isn't going to get a sitcom or become some huge movie star, no, he's better then that. He's not chucking and jiving for a check.

He speaks his mind and doesn't sugar coat the reality that we choose to ignore, and he makes us laugh hysterically at it. He speaks about race, and politics and he is not for the faint of heart. He is brilliant and my hat goes off to him. I inspire to be that honest and great one day. A real comedian, legendary, not just a local comedian telling my hack act for $50 bucks and free drink. Thank you Paul Mooney for being one of the last great comics of our generation. I hope you get your acclaim while you are alive and not after your long and gone.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Life, Death & Comedy

I may seem to be more sensitive to immortality lately or concerned with fulfilling our life's destiny and purpose. Most recently comedian Greg Giraldo died. He was an amazing stand up and writer. I had the pleasure of working with him a handful of times while trying to hone my act. I was caught by surprise to hear he died. He was so young I thought. He made me want to be a better comic and accomplish my goal of touring and landing that precious Tonight Show gig.

But what if I died tomorrow, I never lived to do this. I kept putting it off, and why? Today, my wife came to find out her close friend and former dance partner was in ICU. He is suffering from complications of pneumonia. I realized yet again that though he is very young, he was not promised tomorrow. None of us are, we need to make a plan and get it done. Because today might be the day and we need to be ready. We need to stop and look around to enjoy life and live, fulfill our purpose.

I never meant to be morbid and this wasn't what I originally planned on blogging about this week but this was what I had on my mind. We shouldn't look at our possible death or inevitable death depending how you look at it as a morbid thing. We need to know it is going to happen, and live our lives so that we don't look back on our death beds wishing we had seen,done, or tried things we had the opportunity to.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Living Life for the Sake of Living

A little over a month and a half ago, I was chained to a desk, stressed out, underpaid, and under appreciated. I was working a very stable and very thankless job. It didn't start off that way. The honeymoon had ended and I was starting to see things more clearer then I've ever have in the past. I was 30 years old with no savings, no benefits, renting with bad credit. This all had to change, and the only way it could is if I made a move.

A little over a month and a half ago, I went on vacation for two weeks to Puerto Rico. It was a much deserved vacation and while on vacation I saw many people enjoying their lives. No stress, no worry. This was the beginning of a change in my life. I was working a job that was a career making position. I did not want this career and I wasn't doing what my real passion for life was. I wanted to live my life. I wanted to live stress free, happy like the people I'd seen on vacation. So, I resigned and started to follow my passions and enjoy my family's company more. Life is truly beginning now, live life now don't wait for vacation because it may never come.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Church, The World, & The Bishop

There has been a media frenzy on mega pastor Bishop Eddie Long on the allegations against him for molesting four young teenage men. Now, first thing is first. I don't care if he did this or not. Why? Simply put as a christian man I am not to judge anyone. I also know that none of us are perfect and all fall short of the grace of God. Whether you are a believer or not, especially if you are not a believer this is a important point.It should not encourage new believers or those seeking spiritual guidance to now curse and lose trust in the church just because one man may have made some terrible mistakes allegedly. The biggest mistake is for people to idolize or look to one man whether it be Bishop Eddie Long or your hometown pastor as they are Christ themselves.

We should be encouraged to know that God will let our transgressions see the light. He will use our mistakes to not only make us better christians but others. This may bring more attention to the church in an age where the world and the church seem to be almost one in their actions rather be separate in moral values. This may be time to not point fingers and pass judgement whether they are right or wrong, or guilty or not guilty but to look at ourselves and examine our growth and what secrets we have that we don't want exposed and how God knows even if the world doesn't.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

NEW Rihanna Video- Rude Boy

Talked about this on The Serg Saturday Morning Show this morning and wanted to share it with those that haven't seen it. It reminded me of videos from back in the day when I was little watching Yo MTV Jamz and BET back in the 80's. Check it out!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Serg Show Has Moved from Blogtalkradio to Stickam!!

I've been contemplating this for sometime. I finally made the move! I want to thank for giving me and several other aspiring broadcasters an opportunity to host their own talk radio shows on their website for free. It is truly a training ground for many, and now it is time for me to move on to greener pastures. Over the past few weeks I was unable to upload audio files needed for my radio show and was overall frustrated with the sound and restrictions that were happening because is becoming a pay site now.

I am now doing the show on and hope to take The Serg Saturday Morning show to the next level with video, sketches, and audio & visual clips. I'm confident this move will prove the next logical level for my progression in Internet broadcasting and show hosting ability. I need to get more comfortable on camera and have an opportunity to share my sketch ideas with the world and not stick to a talk format with no room for any additional clips to be heard. I am still going to host other Internet radio shows. I am currently hosting "Luchi Radio" on on Friday nights from 12am-1am. I am also going to have an audio version of The Serg Show on on Saturdays at 11am. Finally I will be starting a Holy Hip Hop Podcast on called Word and Worship.

Stay tuned to my blog for continuing details and schedule changes and follow me on twitter at and watch The "All New" Serg Saturday Morning Show on

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Is Jay-Z a Free Mason?

I'm not sure how I feel about this nor do I know if I can take it as truth. I can say that the evidence is overwhelming and if it's not true that the Devil has been busy with coincidence. I wanted to play this song this morning on the show but couldn't get the file uploaded but this seems more powerful with the images. One way or another this is raising a lot of questions about popular hip hop music and our culture. It also opens the debate to the Illuminati and Free Masonry.

We are not to Judge, Only God can Judge so I'm not going to be the judge and jury on this but you can make an educated decision on whether to continue to support this movement (which it is) or not.

Love and Follow God.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Headlines From This Week's Episode of The Serg Show

Here are two videos courtesy of CNN News and that were covered on The Serg Saturday Morning Show today. For more headlines and entertianing talk, and ZM's Movie Review listen to the archived episode to hear what you missed. I want to thank all of my listeners and co-hosts of the show as it continues to get better and grow. Stay tuned to The Serg Show for Pop culture news, world news, comedy, and the best indie international music on the net!

FaceBook Reunion

Baby Hit By Train and Survives

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Soccer Mom Fought for Gun Rights and was Murdered By Husband

So, I spoke about this on my show this morning and I don't understand why people bring this karma into their lives. This woman Meleanie Hain, 31 from Lebanon, PA and mother of three has become a national symbol of gun rights because she had to openly carry a loaded glock handgun at all times! Her husband Scott Hain, 33 caught her when she wasn't armed and had her guard down at home in her kitchen web chatting with a family friend.

It's a sad ironic twist on her outlook on life and I feel that having these types weapons available in your home opens the door to this type of violence and it also isn't the best idea to carry out in the open. This isn't the wild wild west! It is now 2009, granted their is an obscene amount of gun violence happening on the urban streets of America. We should try our best to keep ourselves out of harms way not to invite it in. Now these three children are parent-less. For more on this story listen to the mp3 of The Serg Show or watch the video courtesy of

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Jenny Slate drops F-bomb on SNL

Poor girl first night on the show live as a new cast member and she says the F-word. I was watching this live and I knew I heard it but dismissed it as freaking instead of f***ing. From the very beginning of this sketch she was fighting the urge to say it.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

T-Pain Shows Ellen How To Auto-Tune

I love Ellen! She's so funny! This video is great! I haven't blogged in a while but I haven't seen anything worth blogging but this was great. The Serg show is getting better and better every week and I'm working on so many projects and life happens. Keep checking here and listening to the Serg show!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

HAHAHA! Kid from Kid and Play Selling Suits!

Kid from Kid and Play whose real name is Christopher Reid is now a stand up comedian and is doing cheap ass cable commercials selling suits. Well can't front on 'em, I would do it. Hell I did a local CBS Watcher news commercial before when money was tight then again the money may not be tight for him. This could have just been a favor for a friend. Whatever the reason is it's hilarious to me and I'm going to share it with my friends and fans of the Serg Show. Check it out!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bill O'Reilly Dissing Jay-Z

Ahhhh....the ongoing beef between Bill O'Reilly and Jay-Z. Too grown men who represent to radically different groups of people. This isn't about color this is about social status, and this isn't about money this is about power. Who controls the media, is it Fox News or Hip Hop on the streets? Who makes news and why? See there's so many things that could be news but this is news because of obvious reason for people like Bill O'Reilly, and well Jay-Z can say what he says cause he has lived life in a different perspective then Bill O'Reilly can see. Please leave hip hop alone you don't get it! You just compared Jay-Z to Ottis Reading! Come on! Were going on 2010 people!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

ToshaMakia is a America's Next Top Jock Finalist!!! Vote!

So I had to blog about this cause I really respect and care about this charismatic woman's career! Besides the fact she is one of the reasons people know who my brother is Yung ZM by letting him shine on her night show on 100.3 The Beat Philadelphia, and besides the fact I run with Devon Starshooterz. She really deserves it. I love her where she belongs, and that's on the radio! I love radio and their are only a handful of on air personalities that help me love it and if I had to make a short list should would be in the top 3.

Well she is in the top 5 of this contest and it's no surprise even Donnie Simpson wants her to win! Below in quotations is an excerpt from the article they have on her on the offical website. It gives a little background on her, for those of you who don't know Tosha yet you will. Whether you know her or not she is a friend of the Serg Show and I am asking you all to vote for her and to listen online to her on air tomorrow morning! Don't forget to vote! Details are on the website just follow the link!

"ToshaMakia has been branded as "The Sexiest Puerto Rican Mami on Hip-Hop radio! From there Toshamakia joined forces with Icon Rap Star Monie Love on air on Sirus39 XM 65 radio for The Ladies First show."

Read this entire article and vote for Toshamakia at this link:

Saturday, August 22, 2009

International Hip Hop

So I decided to start playing some more music on my blogtalkradio show and I am going international! I have become bored with the current state of music and hip hop in general even with some independent artists so I'm busting out with hip hop in different languages. There is a draw back to this, I myself don't know what they are saying, I know it sounds good and the flow is on point and the beats are hot. Hell I don't even speak Spanish that well and I am going to play rap in different languages? Yea, and maybe I'll learn more then English. Broaden my horizons and others as well. I want to have fun with hip hop again and miss being submersed in the culture.

I use to rap when I was younger and as I got older I left it alone.

My little brother kept rapping and is now battling on Grind Time and making a name for himself (Yung ZM). I don't know if I will ever return to it as an artist, I have to love it again I guess. This will be part of the journey. You know I love stand up comedy, and that is my first love so it is going to be interesting to see my progression now that I am getting back into radio so heavy and on this crusade to find good music all over the world, hip hop in different languages. Listen to my show to hear hip hop culture around the world, send me your tracks, laugh at topical humor, and participate in the movement.

Below are two artists I found that intrigue me. One is Diam's a french hip hop artist that I think is amazing!!! She kinda got me started in wanting to hear more. The other is a Chinese artist by the name of Young Kin. He was spitting! Again I have no Idea what they are saying but it's hot and I wanted to share it with those who only know Jay-Z, Kayne,50, Em and the many corny artists that are now on, and will remain nameless. I only name the ones that are relevant.